Via Nazionale Est 19 - 43044 Collecchio (PARMA) (ITALY)

Already the first European manufacturer of self-powered, optically sensing tomato harvesters, Mr. Sandei decided to apply his personal experience to the production of the tomato sorters and the first optical sorters for use in the tomato processing industry. From then on, development of the tomato sorters has not slowed down.
Quite the contrary; backed by this wealth of acquired experience, and investment in ideas and resources, development of the tomato sorters has continued year by year. In an effort to surpass the targets already achieved - over 3000 installations world-wide - by Protec and its united team, we are focused on the tomato sorters and on one of the company's primary objectives; to provide reliable and effective solutions to their clients.This continual research has opened up the way for the application of our technology to other previously unconsidered products.In addition to tomato sorters and tomatoes, it is now possible to sort whole fruit, tomato and fruit pulp, extrusions, purees, jams, leaf vegetables - fresh or dehydrated, legumes, diced fruit and potatoes - in almost every form.
As a result, a simple product such as a tin of peas or a pot of jam, which people buy everyday, embodies a high level of technology aimed at achieving the highest quality. In our machines this technology translates into a sophisticated system of artificial vision which is being continuously developed and that can be adapted to the most advanced production lines.
Tomato sorters
Vegetables sorters, fruit sorters